Monday, January 7, 2013

Another Year to Serve our Lord!

 It is always wonderful to have the chance to serve for another year.  It is also good that the Lord has brought me back to be with my children in the ministry.  I give thanks to Him for all that takes place, good or bad, for I truly believe that all things work to the good of those who trust in Him, according to His good purpose (Romans 8:28).

I am not sure I mentioned that we have brought another little girl into the orphanage in the last few weeks.  Her name is Mary and she is 3 1/2 years old.  She is a very sweet little girl with big brown eyes and very dark skin.  She is so shy and quiet right now.  She seems to be liking it already and often comes up to me or one of the older kids to sit on their lap.

We received the rest of the funds for the girl's home to be completed in the next month and a half and we are so excited about this.  The six big girls in my home will live there.  One of them is Sarah and she is finished with her degree and working for HUM as a Social Worker.  She will be the in-charge of the home.  They are all wonderful girls.  We also have three older girls from Momma Phyllis home (The Platte Chanyon/Am Yeshua House).  The new homes has a name called the Orphan's House of Compassion.  All nine of the girls to live there are wonderful young ladies who love the Lord as their Savior and Lord.  Each of them is a good witness to others.  My little women that I always write about are the ones to live there. 

We also received funds from Orphan's Heart to build four classroons.  This is exciting and so promising to seeing God's plans come together.  We have dug a borehole now and are waiting for the man to come back and hook up the electric pump and begin pumping water into the houses.  Most of the time we do not have running water (about 95% of the time).  This was given to us by a church in Colorado and we have waited a long time for the man to come and dig the borehole.  He is also working on the second one for the school and offices on the other side of the property, and will serve the future medical clinic as well.  All the buildings we have right now are rented and temporary.

It seems that the Lord put the same vision in many of us to do almost the same plans - for the orphans in Uganda and all over Africa.  Knowing that he started this work is knowing that he is faithful and just to complete what he begins.

I am so excited that the witchdoctor near my home has finally come to Christ and has had a big bond fire to burn all the demonic things that were at his home for practicing witchcraft.  We give praise to the Lord for this.  Pray for him.  His name is Stephen.

God bless you all in the New Year and thank you for all that you do.


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